We're ready to make an amazing offer on some of our Nifeliz sets during Autumn Prime Day. Thank you for supporting Nifeliz! In order to appreciate our fans, on the 11th and 12th of October 2022, Nifeliz will be offering up to 20% off orders! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to our blog. It's Karla from the Nifeliz team here. Nifeliz's sets are not Lego but compatible. We will expected to offer a bunch of unique deals to Autumn Prime day and a bunch of different Nifeliz sets are included in those deals, so what we're going to be doing is I'm going be telling you guys about the 8 Nifeliz sets I've been eyeing up for a long time. If I could pick any 8 Nifeliz sets on Prime Day, this is what they would be.