I found this set absolutely hilarious. I think it's really funny and you guys will enjoy it, too.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to our blog. It's Victor from the Nifeliz team here. Nifeliz's sets are not Lego but compatible.
Smiling and laughing is healthy. We need to laugh. So what we have here today is this funny display piece. First things first, we're going to learn about its details.
— Set details —
This one is called the Nifeliz Pet Lover Astronaut Building Set. It consists of 423 pieces and came out in 2022. This set is making fun of the cleaning up after your dog scene that we see in everyday life, of course, in a way that is friendly and playful. On the box, this says it's recommended for ages 16 and up and as you can see, it looks awesome. So let's not wait around. I'm just going to open it up and show you guys what's inside.
Here's everything that came inside the box. We've got 8 bags of pieces and a 26-page instruction booklet. As you can see, there's not that much, so it should be pretty easy to separate everything.
— Assembly —
In terms of assembling the set, it took me longer than I expected though it has only 423 pieces. The bags of blocks are not sorted as per the instruction steps, so I had to open all of the bags in order to start building. It was kind of challenging and that was good. I don't like it when it's too easy.
All you have to do is categorize them before you build and that actually is a lot of fun. I used some plastic portion cups that has helped me immensely when putting together this kit because when you have a bunch of parts, you don't want to be searching for every single little part. Once I opened all the bags and sorted all the pieces according to size, it was easier to start the build.
And then, a clip piece would fall off when I tried to press it onto the astronaut's right arm. You'll need a lot of patience and concentration to build this. I think you also need a steady hand, but I didn't have too many difficulties. So building this set took me around 4 hours. It was challenging, but I appreciate the added challenge.
— Features —
Again, the actual Nifeliz system was utilized for this set, you know, actually building universal ones to make more realistic scenes. Therefore, Nifeliz Pet Lover Astronaut Building Set is a perfect mix of reality and fantasy. Plus, the cleaning up after your dog scene really cracks me up. If you've ever had a dog, you know they can be mischievous creatures.
So this set depicts the street scene of everyday life with a telephone booth and a fire hydrant for the background there. A female astronaut is depicted as the dog owner. She is cleaning up after her dog. The dog seems to be mad at her probably because this owner nags him about it. And much to the astronaut's amusement, this naughty fellow continues to pee by the fire hydrant with a straight face. This little guy seems to show his owner who's boss. It's always the cute ones that are the most trouble.
A dog is a man's best friend, but even the best friends disagree every now and then. Nagging the dog with underwhelming corrections may lead him or her to do the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish. Dog waste is a big issue, which might be funny, but we need to keep our neighborhoods clean and our planet cared for. Have fun, have a laugh and take care of your dog and our planet.
And now, without further ado, let's dive into all of the features of this set.
It consists of two small main builds, the female astronaut and her dog and some side pieces for the background.
— The female astronaut —
First of all, obviously the astronaut is a custom toy brick figure which is intended to make people laugh.
I think her face is kind of unique. That dome shaped piece is so rare. And then, I think they did a great job of translating this from an emoji into an expression on the dome shaped piece. The orange face tone is spot-on to me, which is nice. And then, the expression on the face is very interesting. The appeal of emoji is they don't say anything, but you can understand. The female astronaut has a mixture of emotions. Her dog's behaviour is so bad that it leaves her speechless. Picking up dog poop is a dirty job, but she's gotta do it. She's amused by her dog's naughty behavior, too. So she has all these emotions inside.

Though the spacesuit doesn't consist of many pieces, it's very effective. Her spacesuit looks just like the real one. As you can see, she has got a backpack. I assume this is the primary life-support system and it provides everything that the astronaut needs to survive in space. Obviously I don't work for NASA, so I can't really talk so much about the accuracy of this, but if I had to have a guess, I would say these 1×3 slopes with four slots on the back of it are a part of the suit ventilation system. And they look pretty cool.

She is wearing an ornamental chain around her neck. Although it could just be something completely made-up, I love it. The chain is composed of two little 1×1 round tiles, two little 1×1 modified plates with clips, a 1×2 tile with three grilles and two 1×1 plates with hinges. I like how they use that tile with three grilles connection. That works really well and you can get some movement there. You can also turn the chain up and down. This thing is just fantastic.
Both of her arms are on ball joints, so you can rotate the left arm around as you’d like.
However, the right arm movement is very limited because a 2×2 round plate below gets in the way.
The female astronaut kneels down on one knee, with a pooper scooper in one hand and a dustpan with cover in the other, so that she can pick up dog poop and put it into her dustpan. I like the pooper scooper better than the dustpan. The former opens and closes while the latter only opens.
A little round brown plate with a hollow stud represents the dog poop in the pooper scooper whereas the one in the dustpan is represented by a little round brown tile.
And then, in order for those to clip into the astronaut's hands, we've got these clip pieces which are usually used with minifigure hands.
Her legs are really nicely done with a combination of a slope with two curved edges, a slope with two curved edges and a wing end, a little dome shaped piece and also some 1×2 plates.
As for her feet, they used a blue cheese wedge for her right foot and a blue 1×1 plate for her left one, which also allows you to attach it to studded bases.
Not only that, but also the astronaut does attach to a studded base to make it very sturdy for display.
— The dog —
Let's take a look at the dog. I think this is a modified version of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He is actually a spacedog and looks really really cool.
This cute little puppy doesn't look very keen to impress anybody, but there's no doubt that face is adorable. He's wearing sunglasses and his face is expressionless. As you can see, the model is rendered in soft colors such as tan and white. And they appear natural.
The design here has a really nice shaping for the facial features. The nose is a very simple 1×1 black tile mounted on the front side of a 1×1 brick with hollow studs on 5 sides. There are three white cheese wedges on three other sides. I also love that little pink tongue underneath and how they have it sticking out. His lip is made out of two quarter circle tiles. That's an adorable design.
In addition, he has got a simple white chest and that adorable belly. Obviously you can never get tired of looking at this cute little thing.
What you will notice as well is that the dog is peeing in a standing position, so you can see one of the hind legs on this fella is raised off the ground. We’ve got an adorably simple design for the dog's thin legs. Each of these is made up of a 1×1 round brick and a 1×1 round plate with a stud. You can take it off a studded base. He does stand without being on that. This is a pretty solid build for what it is. And I think it offers more playability as well.
Furthermore, he has got a backpack of his own and we've got his helmet and wings attached to the top of it. I like that. It's good to explore space with buddies.
Lifting up the helmet reveals his head. Obviously dogs don't have a hairstyle and the back of his head lacks a little bit of detail, but that's okay because we're not going to display it this way.
You can also move the wings up and down as those are also clipped on the hinge bar of the helmet.
— The side pieces —
The side pieces complement the main builds perfectly.
Being an artist is not easy, and it's clear that this dog had a long day on the job. To make matters worse, his owner didn't appreciate his genius! Why doesn't she understand that he was trying to make the sidewalk more beautiful? The little brown touches he added make a yellow patch of it look more appealing — even a color blind dog knows that.
Fortunately, the designer of this set created a brilliant little rainbow nearby which lights up his pale green pee. We've got this transparent piece for his pee. It looks so cute! That's probably one of my favorite bits.
For the background, I also like the blue telephone booth and the red fire hydrant on the sidewalk. The telephone booth design features a door with 6 panes. And here you can see there's a TELEPHONE sign that is up there. And that looks correct. The lettering is large and that's very recognizable at least to me. Apparently this familiar telephone booth has become a thing of the past, at least around here.
I really like the fire hydrant because the choice of elements shows a great deal of ingenuity. I love all the detail with all of the brackets with 1×2 plates and 2×2 tiles, the 2×2 round tiles with open studs, the 2×2 round bricks and stuff like that. This thing is really clever part usage. And there's enough detail here and looks pretty proper especially with a chain dangling from it.
— A happy discovery —
I remember when all the Nifeliz collectable toy brick astronaut series got revealed online last month, I got super super excited. And there's so much stuff. I literally just flipped through everything. As well as the Nifeliz Pet Lover Astronaut Building Set, I also like three other collectable astronaut sets with the yellow face tones. I find them absolutely adorable. I'll go ahead and we're going to take a look at the three others.

So in no particular order, the first one is the Nifeliz Hardworking Astronaut Building Set, which contains 470 pieces. The scene this set depicts is epic. It's about goofing off in class. As you can see, an astronaut has a self-satisfied smirk on his face. I like that piece because you don't always get to see it. You can tell he's being sneaky, but you may wonder why. And then, the brick-built desk features some really nice details including some realistic and exquisite books, a bottle of Coca Cola, an open book and a phone hidden under his desk. The desk is just a side build, but it's very colorful. It's kind of cool. I was surprised that it comes with the phone there and that explains why he's smirking. He's actually on his phone in class. The work in class might be too difficult or too easy for him. Perhaps the teaching method doesn't match his learning method. Whatever the reason for his boredom, this fella is not engaging with the books. Since he isn't getting anything out of this lesson, he fills his time by goofing off! Sitting in the back of the classroom can let him get away with just about anything and that means he can play with his phone. In the near corner, you can see there is also a broom and a dustpan. They're both really detailed and really awesome. And it's cute to display these side by side. Hopefully this set will add color to the dull routine of everyday life.

Next up, we have the Nifeliz Lazy Astronaut Building Set. This is the perfect set for anyone looking for some rare Lego-type sets. An astronaut is depicted as a deadbeat or freeloader, a kind of person who just doesn't want to work or expects free things from the government or other people. It contains 362 parts. The first time I saw this set, his facial expression really caught my eye. That's just kind of a sad expression. It looks so unexpectedly bizarre to me. Maybe this guy just needs to take a break from the rat race and be ‘fun-employed’ for a little while, or maybe he wants to quit the rat race altogether and just be a lazy freeloader. You can see he's only interested in kicking back on the couch and doing nothing at all. That way, he is so comfortable. This set is certainly not so colorful as the three others, but it's pretty funny as well. What do you prefer, a simple life or the rat race? Let me know in the comments below. Being a deadbeat does sound kind of nice to me. Just kidding. I'd be way too bored if I didn't work. Besides, you know what they say, idle hands are the Devil's playground. Anyway, if you are fond of those rare Lego-type sets, this one will be hard to resist.

And lastly, we have Nifeliz Astronaut On Vacation Building Set. As the name would suggest, this depicts a beach holiday scene and has 601 pieces. The thing that I noticed about this scene is the way that they've used the different colors. I actually like that a lot. It looks gorgeous. So the first thing I want to mention is this little rocket because at its rear, there are various eye-catching colors: red, yellow, lime green and blue. At first, I couldn't even tell what they are, but if you look very closely, you can definitely tell that those are supposed to represent burning gases that the rocket forces out. And they are really cute! And then, this beach holiday scene is very realistic. There are some nice little details in the back. You can see it has got sea water, a wave and a crab. We've also got a shovel and a flag as well. I believe this is many people's image of a typical beach holiday. In addition to that, I guess the astronaut's red bow and bunny ears headband appeal specially to girls. Almost unconsciously, many people just simply saw Lego as a boy’s toy. However, in my estimation, this Nifeliz Lego-type set has the potential to appeal to both boys and girls. And it's just a nice little display piece for both men and women.

Overall, that's a nice selection to give you some real-world customizations and there are several different varieties. It's a lot of fun. Never boring.
— Summary —
All in all, the Nifeliz Pet Lover Astronaut Building Set is the funniest Lego-type display piece I have ever seen. I think it's really funny to be making fun of the cleaning up after your dog scene. The dog owner is a funny-looking recreation of an astronaut. You've NEVER seen a Lego figure like this. I think her funny facial expression has a universal appeal. It really does a good job of capturing all her emotions inside with the emoji on the face. Also, you may find it difficult not to laugh at her dog's naughty behavior. Plus, he is a very adorable little thing.

Additionally, I think that the side pieces such as the blue telephone booth and the red fire hydrant look very good on display and work perfectly well with the main builds. So I have this set in my corner on my computer desk over there. And they just look good. The astronaut and her spacedog stand there and watch me write articles and do stuff in this room. It's very cool stuff.
Here is the link to get this:
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So thank you for reading, guys. I hope this review was a help. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.
Bye-bye. Adios.
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